Organized in the form of 5-day academic and practical programs for students from Europe and the UK between 2022/07/04 to 2022/07/08 by DEFROST, the summer school on the topic of Deformation in Robotics (Def-Robotics2022) finished last week.
Targeted towards young Master’s and PhD students in Soft Robotics, Def-Robotics2022 hosted around 60 students organized by CNRS, University of Lille and INRIA and also supported by colleagues from France, the UK and Switzerland, which offered the students a great chance to explore the cutting-edge world of Soft Robotics (see the schedule).
Summer school started with a poster session in the mornings where attendees presented works and exchanged their ideas. Then, lectures on introduction to Soft Robotics, modeling, design and manufacturing, control and perception, and applications were presented by researchers from INRIA, IMT, LIEMM, INSA, ETH, FEMTO, Sant’Anna, Oxford and CNRS in the mornings followed by a hands-on project using SOFA framework in the afternoons.
On Wednesday night, an unforgettable banquet hosted on a ship restaurant with relaxing music on was really an enjoyable moment during the summer school. However, the most laughing moment at this wonderful party turned out to be a Q&A session:
Why is the trunk robot so silly? Because it’s made of silicone!